Please stop by now and check out the lovely dresses and coats that will be going on sale on Friday! See you at the shop!

Vicky continued on with her tale and shared that her lovely hat had the misfortune of being pinched at the pub during the dinner party! The hat went missing when she tried on another that was a birthday gift. I can imagine the scene she further describes, everyone frantically searching for the missing birthday hat, and her visible displeasure at losing her new vintage treasure. Somehow I can envision some sort of Benny Hill/Eddie Izzard mime with a tranny male waiter stealing the hat and trying it on in the backroom while everyone is scrambling looking for it. Realizing its absence has been noted, he is far too embarassed to return it. Could there possibly be anyone lower than a vintage hat thief? Worse yet, a vintage hat thief that prowls the pubs looking for unsuspecting vintage victims!? I think there must be a special place reserved in hell for them. As a matter of fact, I think the non-repentant thief hanging on the cross next to Jesus was a vintage hat thief. Who does such a thing?
In all seriousness, my sympathies are extended to Vicky and I will certainly be on the lookout for a replacement hat for her. If any of my gentle readers has seen a similar hat for sale, please let me know so I can direct her to a suitable substitute. In the meantime, be well, wear good vintage and watch your hats!
See you at the shop!
Do I want to fight it tooth and nail? I'm not sure I could handle someone injection botulinum toxin into my wrinkles, so I guess I'm gonna have to face this stoically yet gracefully. So that means investing in stock in Olay's Regenerist cream. But what about the hair, makeup and clothing? At some point will I look odd going about town in vintage? At what point are you too old to be funky? God help me if I end up like The Bravo housewives. They have cured me of the dillusion that you can pull off looking 30 at 50. So if we skip that approach, I guess that leaves us with the "personal style" method of aging gracefully.
Yes, I said Personal Style. My mother oozes it and she is well known by sight at our church. She is the only one in her choir of middle aged to elderly that can boast having fuschia hair. She wears whatever she damn well pleases including her studded black leather boots. She dutifully brings me about 5 fashion magazines a week to help me stay on top of the trends for my business. At the same time she can identify the manufacture year of just about any piece that comes through my shop. She can also singlehandedly whip up the most fabulous 5 minute bouffant ponytail on my long haired model. "I wore it this way for years, " she'll say with the rat comb in her teeth. I hope I'm half as cool as my mom when I'm her age (she just turned 70 last month.) I'd much rather look like her than wear the boring taupe Eileen Fisher knit sets that seem to creep into your closet after 40. Somehow I dont think they would go with all my ink.
After considering my limited options, I guess I will follow in the footsteps of my mom and all the other great beauties who did their best with smoke and mirrors and slathered on the night cream.... cheers to you all, ladies. At least I'm in good company!
1985- The old Ragstock years- me in downtown Minneapolis- vintage coat, hairscarf, belt.
I wish I had my vintage wardrobe of 1985. I was a Minneapolis street rat that used to scavenge in the barrels at the old Ragstock warehouse in downtown Minneapolis, where you could get orgasmically cool 60s scooter dresses and 50s organza party dresses for $5 a pop. Pair them with a pair of tights, your combat boots and a wig and you were set to go out into the world- too cool for school!
Sometimes I cringe when I think of what I did to some of my vintage wear. I remember buying to pairs of vintage pants- one a satin black damask paisley and the other a 60s aqua blue and lime green horoscope pattern. I cut them both up the inseam and outseam, took a side of each and sewed together two new pairs of the two-sided pant. I’d wear these with a tan fringe 60s jacket (a la Roger Daltrey) and a Mary Tyler Moore style wig. Weird- I know, but something must have inspired me- I think it was all the psychedelic images in the Beatles “Blue Jay Way” video. Speaking of which, I recently got “A Hard Day’s Write” – a book of the meanings behind all the Beatles songs- lots of “ooooh-aha” moments there that you wouldn’t expect. I digress. I had racks and racks of the coolest clothes all painstakingly collected. Where they all are now, who knows? My mother probably threw them away with the old Barbies and other things she got tired of hanging onto as I moved around in life, always promising to return and collect the last of the items in storage. Fantastic old furs, leathers, mini-skirts, velvet jackets, big collared shirts- the more outlandish the better- gone, all gone.